ok, i've been trying to write this post since the 18th of april, maybe this time i can finish it.
this is going to be a long photo heavy post so go get a cup of tea and something to eat, i'll be here when you get back.
so far so good with the vegetable garden, I took all of these pictures on the 15th of april.
as you can see lot's of green going on last month. the front bed has three types of lettuce, radishes in between each row. the middle row is marigolds and then four types of tomatoes with carrots mixed in. the white fabric you see is a floating row cover, i used them a lot. when ever we have a heavy rain or a windy rain i make sure the beds are covered to protect them. i also think it's a good way to protect the seedlings, last year i planted lettuce but every time they would poke their head above the ground something would come along and make a nice midnight snack out of them. i think the row cover has pretty much stopped that problem. The second bed is watermelon, two types of cucumbers, sunflowers, eggplant, nasturtium, and two types of bush beans.
the first bed:
lettuce and radishes:
the red lettuce in the back was a special request picked up at the garden center. it's been doing really well and i looks like it's time to start mixing it in with the salad. what you see from left to right:
Radishes: Not sure the type they were given to me by a friend
the bare spots, in the front, are where i've pulled up the radishes and also where i had my problem with fire ants. they set up house in this area and didn't want to leave. one day i got so angry i just started digging in the dirt trying to figure out how much area they covered. it was a lot. they have since moved on but i still have a problem with them. just not in this bed anymore. I planted this part of the bed in three parts, so the bare parts in the back will soon have some seedlings coming up. the white marker in the back is where i'm planting a different type of radish. one thing i've found out is that i don't like radishes so once i'm done with this seed packet i'll plant carrots there.
the second part of the bed is tomatoes and carrots.
burbank tomato, in the front
I picked up a roma tomato plant up at the garden center to round things out.
and carrots are mixed in with the tomatoes.
the second bed:
in this bed we have..
moon and stars watermelon which at the time i took these pictures was not comming up. I think I planted them a little to early and the soil wasn't warm enough for them to come up.
two types of cucumber, sweet marketmore and northern pickling which I don't see a link for anymore.
with sunflowers in between the two rows.
eggplant is next. i picked up two plants from the garden center one is a regular eggplant and the other is a fairy tale eggplant. I also planted some india paint eggplant which started out ok but now seems kind of stuck in it's growth.
and two types of bush beans, blue lake 274
also have some nasturtiums, a fiesta blend and a mahogany, planted on either side of the beans.
that's a lot of plants and a lot of planting.
and as of the first of this month the garden looks like this...
all of the tomato plants are showing flowers and today i spotted my first tomato growing. Be back soon with some more updates.